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The central mission for the Office of the Registrar is to preserve integrity, accuracy, and privacy of all academic records; to interpret institutional and governmental policies to members of the academic and general community; and to efficiently distribute these records in full compliance with applicable policies, laws, and regulations. (Lauren, Barbara. The Registrar’s Guide Evolving Best Practices in Records and Registration. AACRAO, 2006)

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Change/Add Major (pdf) – If you decide to change your major at any time, this form is required. You may also use this form to add a major.

Declaration of Minor (pdf) – To be used when you have decided on which minor(s), if any, you are pursuing.

Declaration of Teacher Education Area (pdf) – To be used when you have decided on seeking Teacher Education

Core Substitution Petition (pdf) – To be used to request a course not listed in the core requirements be permitted to satisfy a core requirement.

Major Substitution Petition (pdf) – To be used to request a course not listed in the major requirements be permitted to satisfy a major requirement.

Minor Substitution Petitions (pdf) – To be used to request a course not listed in the minor requirements be permitted to satisfy a minor requirement.

Forms Available in the Staton Center for Learning Enrichment only:

Intent Not to Return Form – This form is for students who are completing a term, but who are not planning on returning to the College for the following term. Completion and return of this form will remove the student from any classes in which preregistration has been processed as long as it is received by the Office of the Registrar prior to the beginning of the effected semester.

Withdrawal from the College – To be used when extenuating circumstances, such as a major illness or family reasons, have taken place that forces you to leave at any time during the semester. Several exit interviews are required. Remember to do this before leaving. If this has not been done, you will receive the appropriate grades for your classes (usually F’s).

Enrollment Verification (pdf) – To be used to request proof of full, half, or less than half time status, usually for insurance purposes.

Degree Verification – The National Student Clearinghouse is now our authorized agent for providing degree and enrollment verifications.

Credit Elsewhere (pdf) – To be used when you wish to take a course at any other institution at any time. This form provides you with security in exactly what your course will transfer in as at Huntingdon. It is also your letter of Good Standing.

Program Honors Application (pdf) – To be used by qualified students to pursue intensive study of specific subjects in the major fields.

Independent Study (pdf) – To be used when you are collaborating with a professor to independently study original subject matter not offered through course listings. This form must be used at the appropriate times: preregistration or during the normal add period at the beginning of a semester. Note additional requirements and approvals on the application form.

Course by Conference (pdf) – To be used when you are collaborating with a professor to independently study material equating to a course in the Huntingdon College Catalog. This form must be used at the appropriate times: preregistration or during the normal add period at the beginning of a semester.

Application for Approval to Earn CLEP (pdf) – To be used following your initial attendance at Huntingdon College to request approval to apply CLEP credit toward degree requirements at Huntingdon College. See current HC Catalog for all policies regarding the awarding of CLEP credit.

Math Placement Test – Are available in Canvas. If you have any questions about the placement test, please email

Forms Available in the Registrar’s Office Only:

Withdrawal – To be used to withdraw from a class during the second through the tenth weeks of the semester. Specific deadline dates are published in the Catalog and online. Time span differs during accelerated terms (e.g. summer sessions.) You will receive a “W” on your record during the second through fifth weeks; you will receive a “WP” or a “WF” on your record (depending on whether you were passing or failing at the time you withdrew) during the sixth through tenth weeks; Withdrawal grades do not affect your GPA at Huntingdon.

Application for a course to be taken on a Non-Credit basis – To Be used with participation classes (e.g. labs, etc.) The course will not affect your GPA or the number of hours you earn at Huntingdon. Your record will show a “Z” designating that you were enrolled in the class for non-credit. Deadlines for this form are published in the College catalog and online.

Application for a course to be Audited – To be used for non-participation classes. This course will not affect your GPA or the number of hours earned at Huntingdon. Your record will show a “Y” designating that you were enrolled in the class on an audit basis. Deadlines for this form are published in the College catalog and online.

Application for a course to be taken on a Pass/Non-Credit basis – To be used for any regularly graded course. You will receive either a “P” or an “N” depending on whether you passed the course or not. This course will not affect your GPA, but it will affect the number of hours you can earn at Huntingdon. Deadlines for this form are published in the College catalog and online.

Replacement Diploma (pdf) – To be used when you need a Replacement or Duplicate Diploma. You must request this in writing.

Change of Name/Address (pdf) – To be used to officially update student information with the College. There are restrictions on changing your permanent address; see the Registrar’s Office for more details. Documentation for all name changes is required. Options are listed on the form.

Email Recovery (pdf) – A form designed to provide a process for students to securely recover access to their Huntingdon College email accounts.

Forms Available in the Registrar’s Office Only:

Directory Information Block – To be used to prohibit your directory information being provided to others. Please review FERPA(should link to the new FERPA information pages) before making your decision. Only your signature is required.

Transcript – To be used when you need an official transcript of your record sent somewhere. Transcript requests are processed through National Student Clearinghouse. Your financial status must be clear in both the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office before your transcript will be released.

Online Degree Verifications

The National Student Clearinghouse is now our authorized agent for providing degree and enrollment verifications.

If you are an employer or background screening firm requesting this information please visit, or send forms to:

National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171.

Alumni needing degree verifications (e.g. for employment purposes) can direct their prospective employers to this service as well.

Online Course Information

  • Courses listed as Online (OL)/Distance Education are considered online courses. As such, Distance Learning/Online courses are not available to California (CA) resident students, per federal guidelines. Courses designated as Distance Learning/Online are notated with “Online” in the title, the section “OL”, and have further confirmation in the course description linked in the schedule of classes.
  • Individual online classes may have specific requirements for physical attendance for tests/presentations. Specifics regarding required physical attendance can be obtained from the instructor.
  • Online courses may require the student to secure proctoring services (and cover associated fees for services) for specified assignments. Specifics regarding those requirements are available from the instructor.

Posting of Graduation

Huntingdon College currently offers students a bachelors degree. The degree requires three fundamental pieces related to hours earned and timing of completion: general degree requirements (120 hours, etc.), completion of the College’s general education core, and the completion of courses toward an officially declared major.

Beginning Fall 2015, any student who has satisfactorily complete these three pieces, along with the other specified graduation requirements per the student’s catalog of matriculation, will have degree completion/graduation automatically posted to his/her record at the end of the applicable term. Students seeking a second major, but who have graduated per the above policy (completed general graduation requirements, general education/core and one major) may still be eligible for financial aid, residency on campus and/or athletic eligibility. All majors sought must be declared by the student officially with the Office of the Registrar prior to reaching Senior standing (90 earned credit hours).

Students seeking a minor must declare the minor(s) prior to reaching Senior standing (90 earned credit hours). In rare cases, a student may be permitted to add a minor after this time, but only with confirmation from the Office of the Registrar that the student is missing 6 credit hours or fewer toward completion of the minor.

Upon confirmation of a student’s anticipated degree completion, which is sent by the Office of the Registrar, a student may not postpone his/her term of completion in order to complete a minor or a second major, as neither a minor nor a second major is a requirement for a degree at Huntingdon College. Postponement of degree completion will be permitted only for students who have not satisfied all graduation requirements in relation to the general degree requirements, general education core requirements or for officially declared major requirements (assuming no major is completed).

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